Eco-friendly and high performances industrial cleaners and pressure washer soap
Cleaning materials and chemicals such as industrial cleaners and pressure washer soap are as important as the pressure washer machines that are used in a cleaning job. Safewash Tech as experts when it comes to cleaning products and they stock the latest in industrial cleaners and pressure washer soap. If you have a tough cleaning job or need products for industrial cleaning in Bronx, Farmingdale, Nassau, Rockland, Suffolk and Westchester NY, they have the right cleaning solution for you.
Industrial cleaners such as Magic Clean, Safewash Classic, Trash X 24 and XPO Fleet Wash will help you with any cleaning job, big or small, light or tough. Whether you need industrial cleaning, vehicle cleaning, building cleaning, general cleaning or speciality cleaning, there is a cleaning agent that is right for the job
For example, Magic Clean is an industrial cleaner that contains powerful chemical that can break down oil and petroleum based dirt and grim. So if you want to get rid of oil, grease or grime, then Magic Clean contains the chemicals and detergents you need.
If you just need general cleaning, then a versatile product such as Eknonokleen is the detergent you will need. This extremely effective cleaning agent can be used for home cleaning, warehouse and office cleaning.
You can even get pressure washer soap for speciality cleaning. For example, Asphalt release AR400 is a release agent that can even adhere to vertical surfaces. This NPE free cleaning agent prevents asphalt build up and can be applied through low pressure application.
So whether you need pressure washer soap in the form of industrial cleaners, vehicles cleaners, building cleaners or general cleaners Safewash Tech has the right product for you.